Qualitative Research

Gain invaluable insights

Qualitative Research

At Global Survey, we have a dedicated team of hard-core qualitative research professionals.

Gain invaluable insights from our global team, who will diligently research the opinions and motivations of consumers, industries, employees, businesses, and more.

Constantly Evolving Data

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research uses non-numerical data collection methods to gauge and understand an interviewee’s thought processes and behaviours.

How is it used in our market research strategies?

From in-depth surveys to focus group discussions (FGDs), face-to-face interviews, ethnographic studies, and much more, qualitative research can help measure people’s opinions and motivations.

Get to know the nature and beliefs of your local and global audience.

Qualitative data strategies

Benefit from priceless
observations that help you
gain a deeper understanding of:
  • Products and services
  • Global and local marketplaces
  • Employee well-being
  • Business trends
  • Consumer trends
  • Industry trends
  • Customer behaviours

And more…

The services we offer are focused on (but in no way limited to) the skilled and professional qualitative data collection approaches below.

Data collection methods

In-Depth Interviews

Gauging someone’s detailed beliefs, opinions, and attitudes works best when they’re relaxed and at total ease.

We carry out IDIs that encourage our participants to truly open up by providing a comfortable environment with an experienced and approachable interviewer.

How can IDIs be instrumental
in your market research project?

Participants can’t give a simple yes or no answer

Questions are specifically designed to be probing to ensure the interviewer gets an honest and in-depth response.

Interviewers take intricate notes and use visual and verbal recordings to collect data

Whether via the web, face-to-face, or over the telephone, the data we collect is intensely analysed to ensure we generate invaluable and candid insights.

Focus Group Discussions

Global Survey is one of the foremost firms offering consummate focus group discussions as a qualitative market research solution.

Focus group discussions enable researchers to garner invaluable insights about the perceptions and attitudes of participants towards any given topic, product, scenario, industry, or brand.

Take your qualitative
research data to the next
level with open and unbiased FGDs.

We use multi-faceted qualitative recruitment methods

Highly skilled moderators conduct in-depth interviews with groups of carefully selected individuals partaking in the FGD at our modern facilities.

Taking thorough observations and making candid insights from a controlled and comfortable environment

Our moderators deliver meticulously detailed feedback on the attitudes and behaviours of the participants towards the discussion within the group.

Mystery Shopping

Is the customer experience at the heart of your business and essential to your success?

Mystery shopping will help set the benchmark by which you measure you standards. We use a multitude of mystery shopping methods at Global Survey that both highlight and create insightful and rewarding opportunities for our clients.

Get a 360-degree view of the
customer experience you offer by:

Putting your services through their paces
with mystery shopping is a power move in performance management.

  • Evaluating employee performance
  • Identifying weaknesses in your services
  • Gaining insights into your competitors
  • Building better business values
  • Aligning your services with consumer expectations

Hidden preferences and needs

Sometimes it is only possible to understand them if we make contextual observations of behaviours and preferences over time.
At Global Survey, we take our time to understand the cultural and behavioural dynamics of our ethnographic study participants.

Ethnography unlocks hidden
insights and opportunities that
would otherwise be out of reach.

Our ethnographic researchers observe targeted users and everyday consumers over long periods of time.

They use their patience and skill to discover unseen patterns and cultural and behavioural dynamics in a contextually driven space.

By gathering detailed field notes, audio recordings, and transcripts
over time, our ethnographic researchers can skilfully provide highly contextual information. This, in turn, helps our clients to better understand their demographic’s shared behaviours, patterns,
attitudes, and beliefs.

Our welcoming facilities are

We believe in providing a comfortable space for our clients and employees to accomplish and exceed their qualitative market research goals.

The plethora of research services, methodologies, data collection styles, and research analyses we provide create a one-stop-shop for market research project strategies and management.

Fit and equipped to provide
qualitative research services globally

At Global Survey, our facilities ‘literally’ cater to your every need in a pleasantly people-centric environment.

Our facilities deliver high-speed connectivity and are equipped with leading-edge digital technology, client lounges, and purpose-built amenities for conducting in-depth interviews and FGDs.

  • Conduct training and interviews
  • Translate and transcribe data
  • Video stream and audio recording
  • Workshop
  • Brainstorm
Specialised research methodologies
that help us to understand different perspectives.

From purchasing behaviours to brand and product loyalty, group dynamics and behaviours come in all shapes and sizes.

To take a more refined approach to our qualitative market research solutions, we conduct in-depth surveys of 2 (dyads) or 3 (triads) participants.

Why we use dyads?

Discover what makes your loyal users and consumers tick

This useful qualitative research tool allows you to compare and analyse the opinions of two participants who either know each or have shared behaviours and interests

Why we use triads?

Understand what influences your customers’ purchasing behaviours

Through triangulating the opinions of participants who may or may not know each other, we can identify weaknesses in product placement and marketing plans. In turn, this empowers our clients to make actionable and profitable marketing solutions.

Let's talk!